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“Stray Wanderings”

A collaboration with Jen Gandee


After recognizing our mutual disease of collecting dusty, moldy but beautiful books and ephemera for no apparent reason, we put our collection to use. Images from these have been scanned and manipulated into new updated illustrations, and then put into new context with words and botanicals. Delightful stray wanderings of imagination happen as as we put these collages on Jen’s beautiful ceramic vessels.


Our first pieces were featured at the Gandee Gallery’s “Renewal” show, which was reviewed by Katherine Rushworth:


 “Gandee's and Wellner's collaborative approach to functional ceramics …The Gandee /Wellner white porcelain pieces consist of small cups and vases decorated with transfers of delicate sepiacolored flowers, botanicals and proper ladies framed within flowery borders. They are decorative and functional pieces that beckon to be used and admired.”


― 'Small but enjoyable' art show focuses on nature at Fabius gallery (Review)

by Katherine Rushworth, Contributing writer to The Post Standard on June 24, 2015 




© Copyright by Lucie Wellner. All rights reserved. All images on this website are copyrighted by Lucie Wellner. These may not be reproduced without authorization by Lucie Wellner.
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